Wildercraft Studios - Jordan Chapman

Jordan is multicultural, from several North American Tribes and Northern European ancestry. He was brought up traditionally on an Aanishinaabe Reservation and always had a fascination with how the Keepers of Medicines, Songs, and Stories from different traditions share so many similarities and why. This has led to a profound interest in collective consciousness, and expanding his own consciousness to better understand and to help others.

Jordan works with the medicine inherent in all things places, people and actions, and helps others to find their medicine. Working with lots of plant and fungi medicines, stone and mineral medicines as well as animal and many unseen medicines. Jordan facilitates healing and consciousness work with a range of tools and modalities. He is also an artist, crafter of sacred tools and ceremonial items.

Among his range of ceremonial items, he has a love for creating Talismanic Jewelry, made with intent and imbued with medicine amd magick to help the wearer stand in their power or to call on helpful emergies and medicines.